OpenMRS to OCL Mapping

This page illustrates how all fields in the OpenMRS v1.11 Concept Data Model map to OCL fields. This model is used during the import of the CIEL dictionary into OCL. It can also be used as a guide for OpenMRS implementers that are connecting to the OCL API.

OpenMRS Concept Data Model

Note that the OpenMRS documentation is valid up to OpenMRS v1.9. Will update these links when updated documentation becomes available.

OpenMRS Wiki on the Concept Data Model

OpenMRS Concept Data Model

Notes on how OCL maps to OpenMRS concept data

  • Record identifiers

    • OCL stores OMRS UUIDs for all resources (excluding lookup tables) in an external_id field (e.g. OMRS.concept.uuid = OCL.concept.external_id)

    • OCL does not store “*_id” fields with the exception of concept.concept_id

  • Lookup tables

    • Lookup fields are stored in full text rather than by identifier (e.g. OCL.concept.concept_class = ‘Diagnosis’)

    • Lookup tables from OMRS include: Concept Classes, Concept Datatypes, Map Types, Name Types, Locales

    • Lookup tables added by OCL include: Description Types, Source Types, Collection Types

  • OCL does not import OMRS audit data (”date_changed”, “date_created”, “date_retired”, “creator”, “changed_by”, “retired_by”, “voided”, “voided_on”, “voided_by”) - OCL stores its own created_by, created_on, updated_by, updated_on

  • Mappings

    • Mappings defined in the OMRS concept_reference_map are stored as “external” mappings in OCL, meaning that the from_concept is a concept defined in OCL (e.g. in the CIEL dictionary), and the to_concept is not defined in OCL (e.g. a reference term in SNOMED-CT). However, the external source must still be defined in OCL.

    • Data in concept_reference_term_map is not imported, but these represent concepts from other sources, which in OCL actually exist (e.g. IHTSDO/SNOMED-CT is a source in OCL)

  • OMRS Questions, Answers, Concept Sets

    • To OCL, these are simply different types of relationships between concepts, which are stored as mappings with specific map types.

    • These are stored as “internal” mappings, meaning that both the from_concept and to_concept are defined in OCL.

  • Concept Names

    • Voided concept names are removed from the new concept version rather than being set as voided – to reference a voided concept name in OCL, you must refer to the prior concept version

  • Extras

    • OCL has the ability to store any additional fields as “extras” for any resource - OMRS is_set and all of the numeric type fields (e.g. minimum, maximum, etc.) are stored as extras in OCL (e.g. OMRS.concept.is_set = OCL.concept.extras.is_set)

  • OCL does not store any information from these OMRS tables:

    • Drug Tables: drug, drug_ingredient

    • Concept Name Tags: concept_name_tag, concept_name_tag_map

    • Concept Proposal Tables: concept_proposal, concept_proposal_tag_map

    • Other: concept_word, concept_complex, concept_stop_word

OpenMRS to OCL Maps


  • Fields in plain text are directly copied from OpenMRS

  • Italicized fields are derived from the corresponding field in OpenMRS and are not directly copied

  • Bolded and italicized fields are linked to the specified OpenMRS field via foreign key relationship

  • ALL CAPS CODE represent the planned behavior but not yet implemented

OpenMRS Table OpenMRS Field OCL Field Notes
concept concept_id
concept uuid concept.external_id
concept retired concept.retired
concept datatype_id concept.datatype Value stored in OCL is
concept class_id concept.concept_class Value stored in OCL is
concept is_set concept.extras.is_set
concept short_name, description, form_text, creator, date_created, version, changed_by, date_changed, retired_by, date_retired, retire_reason IGNORED
concept_name uuid
concept_name name
concept_name locale
concept_name concept_name_type
concept_name locale_preferred
concept_name concept_id FOREIGN KEY
concept_name concept_name_id, creator, date_created, voided, voided_by, date_voided, void_reason IGNORED
concept_description uuid concept.description.external_id
concept_description description concept.description.description
concept_description locale concept.description.locale
concept_description locale_preferred concept.description.locale_preferred
concept_description concept_id FOREIGN KEY
concept_description concept_description_id, creator, date_created, changed_by, date_changed IGNORED
concept_datatype name concept.datatype NOTE: Full datatype metadata will be stored in its own OCL source titled OCL:Datatypes that in the future will populate datatype dropdowns
concept_class name concept.concept_class NOTE: Full concept class metadata will be stored in its own OCL source titled OCL:Classes that in the future will populate concept class dropdowns
concept_map_type name mapping.map_type NOTE: Full map type metadata will be stored in its own OCL source titled OCL:MapTypes that in the future will populate map type dropdowns
concept_reference_source uuid source.external_id
concept_reference_source name source.full_name
id, short_code, and name are all derived from the name in OMRS
concept_reference_source description source.description
concept_reference_source hl7_code source.extras.hl7_code
concept_reference_source concept_source_id, creator, date_created, retired, retired_by, date_retired, retire_reason IGNORED
concept_reference_map uuid mapping.external_id
concept_reference_map concept_id from_concept_code
Refer to [[mappings]] documentation for more info
concept_reference_map concept_reference_term_id to_source_owner
Refer to [[mappings]] documentation for more info
concept_reference_map concept_id, concept_reference_term_id, concept_map_type_id FOREIGN_KEY
concept_reference_map concept_map_id, creator, date_created, changed_by, date_changed IGNORED
concept_reference_term name mapping.to_concept_name
concept_reference_term code mapping.to_concept_code
concept_reference_term retired mapping.retired This is the current behavior, but look at discussion question below
concept_reference_term concept_source_id FOREIGN KEY
concept_reference_term concept_reference_term_id, version, description, creator, date_created, date_changed, changed_by, retired_by, date_retired, retire_reason, uuid IGNORED The external_id for an OCL mapping is populated using concept_reference_map.external_id
concept_set concept_set mapping.from_concept This defines the "from_concept" of an internal mapping with map_type=concept_set
concept_set concept_id mapping.to_concept This defines the "to_concept" of an internal mapping with map_type=concept_set
concept_set uuid mapping.external_id
concept_set concept_set_id, sort_weight, creator, date_created IGNORED
concept_answer concept_id mapping.from_concept This defines the "from_concept" (in this case, the "Question") of an internal mapping with map_type=q_and_a
concept_answer answer_concept mapping.to_concept This defines the "to_concept" (in this case, a "Linked Answer") of an internal mapping with map_type=q_and_a
concept_answer uuid mapping.external_id
concept_answer sort_weight, concept_answer_id, answer_drug, creator, date_created IGNORED
concept_numeric hi_absolute concept.extras.hi_absolute
concept_numeric hi_critical concept.extras.hi_critical
concept_numeric hi_normal concept.extras.hi_normal
concept_numeric low_absolute concept.extras.low_absolute
concept_numeric low_critical concept.extras.low_critical
concept_numeric low_normal concept.extras.low_normal
concept_numeric units concept.extras.units
concept_numeric precise concept.extras.precise
concept_numeric display_precision concept.extras.display_precision
concept_numeric concept_id IGNORED

Changes to OCL

For Discussion:

  • OCL.mapping.retired points to OMRS.concept_reference_term.retired, but it should point to OMRS.concept_reference_map.retired even though that field doesn’t exist. Retiring the term would be the equivalent of retiring the concept in the external source.

  • OMRS.concept.short_name, description, and form_text are not used in OCL

  • OMRS.concept_name_tag and OMRS.concept_name_tag_map do not appear to be in use by CIEL – what’s the plan for these?

  • OMRS.concept_reference_map.description –> ? OCL.mapping.extras.description ?

  • OMRS.concept_reference_map.version –> ? OCL.mapping.extras.version ?


  • OCL.mapping.retired points to OMRS.concept_reference_term.retired, but it should point to OMRS.concept_reference_map.retired even though that field doesn’t exist. Retiring the term would be the equivalent of retiring the concept in the external source.

  • Add OMRS.concept_reference_source.hl7_code –> OCL.source.extras.hl7_code