Operation: $resolveReference
The API exposes a global $resolveReference
operation to resolve one or more relative and canonical repository references to their corresponding repository definitions (e.g. “Source Version” or “Collection Version”) in an OCL environment. The $resolveReference
operation implements the business logic to resolve a canonical or relative URL within a specific context. The operation considers namespace-specific and global Canonical URL Registries, as well as repositories that are defined in the namespace. The $resolveReference
operation is used internally by OCL to resolve all collection or mapping references, so that a user can test in advance exactly how a reference will be resolved within a particular context and can configure their namespace accordingly. Note that this operation follows the FHIR convention of using “reference” to mean only a repository version, and “coding” to mean a code within a specific repository version. That said, the $resolveReference
operation supports both references and codings, which has the benefit of allowing a list of collection references to be processed directly using this operation.
A namespace determines the context for resolving a reference to a repository. Since OCL is a multi-tenant environment, it is possible for a canonical URL to be defined more than once, and the namespace along with Canonical URL Registries makes it possible to eliminate ambiguity.
Namespaces in OCL take on two forms:
Owner-specific namespace:
)Global namespace:
(also the default if undefined)
accepts “namespace” as a request parameter (e.g./$resolveReference/?namespace=/orgs/MyOrg/
) so that a user can test how a reference will be evaluated in a particular namespaceIn practice, namespace is generally set automatically by the context of a request. For example, when expanding a ValueSet, the namespace is set to the owner of the ValueSet.
If namespace is included in a reference (see syntax examples below), it overrides the “namespace” request parameter and forces a reference to be evaluated within the context of that specific namespace. However, use of the “namespace” attribute in a reference is discouraged. User’s are encouraged to configure namespaces in a URL Registry, which offers a more set of features to ensure unambiguous resolution of canonical URLs.
Process for resolution of a reference
resolves a reference to a repository version according to this process:
If canonical URL provided:
Owner’s URL Registry: If namespace is set in the request (and not global) and an owner-specific canonical URL registry is defined for the namespace, attempt to resolve with the namespace-specific canonical URL registry:
If the canonical URL is defined in the owner’s registry, return the matching repo/repo version from the namespace specified in the registry entry or return 404 not found
If no matching entry in the registry, then continue
Repos in the namespace: If namespace is set in the request (and not global), attempt to resolve the canonical URL with the repos defined in the namespace:
If the canonical URL matches a repo/repo version in the namespace, then return the repo/repo version
If unresolved, then continue
Global URL Registry: If namespace is undefined or explicitly set to global in the request, or if URL did not match an entry in the owner-specific registry and did not match a repo in the namespace, attempt to resolve the canonical URL with the Global Canonical URL Registry:
If the canonical URL is defined in the global registry, return the matching repo/repo version from the namespace specified in the registry entry or return 404 not found
If no matching entry in the global registry, then return 404 not found (even if the canonical URL is defined somewhere else in OCL)
Else if relative URL provided:
Return the repository directly using the relative URL, or return 404 if not found
Add to this doc
Updates to allow $resolveReference to be used internally to resolve mappings
Status codes for found/not found
Examples: request/response for a single reference (the example below is for a batch); response for a batch request where some references resolved and others did not
Future Considerations
Optional URL parameter that returns the full list of repositories that OCL could resolve a URL to across all namespaces that a requesting user has access to?
Reference syntax
A non-exhaustive list of examples for the “inline” and “expanded” reference syntax:
Inline Reference Syntax
Relative repository URL:
Relative URL with repository version:
Relative URL with coding:
FHIR-formatted Canonical URL:
FHIR-formatted Canonical URL with piped CodeSystem version:
Expanded reference syntax:
Relative URL (Note: Version is optional):
“url”: “/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/”,
“version”: “v2021-03-12”
Relative URL with coding (Note: Code is ignored by
“url”: “/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/”,
“version”: “v2021-03-12”,
“code”: “1948”
Canonical URL with version, namespace and code:
“url”: “http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/my-codeystem”,
“version”: “0.8”,
“code”: “1948”,
“namespace”: “/orgs/MyOrg/”
Canonical URL with piped version in the global namespace:
“url”: “http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/my-codeystem|0.8”
Expanded Reference Syntax
url (required) - A relative or canonical URL that points to a repository (e.g. a Source, Collection, CodeSystem, ValueSet, ConceptMap). If a canonical URL, a version may be piped, e.g.
. This field may also include a full inline reference expression, possibly including a relative URL or canonical URL, version, code, mapping id, filters, etc.version (optional) - The version of a repository to use. Note that in most situations it is best to omit this field and instead to specify a repository version in the expansion request.
namespace (optional) - Forces a reference to be evaluated within the context of a specific namespace. Generally, this value should be omitted and instead determined by the context of a request
filter (optional) - An ordered list of filters used to select concepts or mappings by their properties. Note that the “filter” field cannot be combined with the “code” or “id” fields. Each filter has the following fields:
property - A property/filter defined by the code system
op - The type of operation to apply for the specified property. Examples: = | is-a | descendent-of | is-not-a | regex | in | not-in | generalizes | exists [see FilterOperator] – also see http://hl7.org/fhir/filter-operator
value - Code from the system, or regex criteria, or boolean value for exists
includeExclude (optional) - default=”Include”; set to “Exclude” to make this an exclusion. All inclusion references are processed first, and then all exclusion references are processed. The rules for processing inclusions and exclusions are otherwise the same.
resourceType (optional) - default=”Concept” if blank. Set this field to “Mapping” to retrieve a mapping resource instead of a Concept. Note that Mapping references are unique to OCL and cannot be represented via FHIR.
:code (optional) - A concept code to include in a collection. Note that the code field cannot be used in combination with the filter field.
display (optional) - A display name that overrides a concept’s default display_name within the expansion. If this field is used, then the concept’s display_locale is always None (or an empty string). The “display” field may only be used when the “code” field is used.
cascade (optional) - TBD
:id (optional) - A mapping id to include in a collection. Note that the id field cannot be used in combination with the filter field.
$resolveReference Parameters
namespace (optional) - default=”/” (global); the context in which to evaluate the references, e.g. a relative URL to an organization or user in OCL. This parameter allows a client to compare the results of evaluating the same reference(s) in multiple namespaces. When this operation is performed internally, namespace is typically set automatically based on the context of the request, i.e. the owner of the ValueSet that is being expanded.
$resolveReference Examples
Resolve a single reference:
POST https://api.qa.openconceptlab.org/$resolveReference/
Resolve multiple references in one request – embed each request in an ordered list:
POST https://api.qa.openconceptlab.org/$resolveReference/
{"url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/123/", "namespace": "/orgs/CIEL/", "version": "v2021-03-12"},
{“url”: “http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/my-codeystem”, “version”: “0.8”, “code”: “1948”, “namespace”: “/orgs/MyOrg/”}
The operation responds with a list of the results for each reference submitted, including the corresponding Source Version or Collection Version summary if the resolution was successful. Output parameters:
reference_type: relative or canonical
timestamp: date+time of the request
resolved: boolean - whether or not OCL was able to resolve the reference
request: a copy of the original reference that was requested to be resolved
result: the Source Version or Collection Version summary
resolution_url: the cleaned repository URL that the operation attempted to resolve, with concept identifier, additional parameters, or piped versions removed
url_registry_entry: relative URL to the registry entry used to resolve a canonical URL, or null if not used
Status: 200
"reference_type": "canonical",
"timestamp": "2022-03-01T13:12:18.919301",
"resolved": true,
"request": {
"url": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/reason-medication-given|0.1.0",
"code": "a",
"namespace": "/orgs/fhir_imports/"
"resolution_url": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/reason-medication-given",
"url_registry_entry": null,
"result": {
"type": "Source Version",
<repository version summary>
"reference_type": "relative",
"timestamp": "2022-03-01T13:12:18.919301",
"resolved": true,
"request": {
"resolution_url": “/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/”,
"url_registry_entry": null,
"result": {
"type": "Source Version", # or Collection Version
<repository version summary>
"reference_type": "relative",
"timestamp": "2022-03-01T13:12:18.919301",
"resolved": true,
"request": {
"url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/123/",
"namespace": "/orgs/CIEL/",
"version": "v2021-03-12"
"resolution_url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/",
"url_registry_entry": null,
"result": {
"type": "Source Version", # or Collection Version
<repository version summary>